Monday, August 3, 2015

feel good

It's 5 a.m and i can't sleep till now

it just i have one thing for girls out there
you just feel good about your self if you think that make-up will make you beautiful then you are wrong
what i think about make-up is that it just a mask a girl put it on daily basis so that she wont show for other her real self
if you are asking how a make-up could be a mask then here is the answer
there are girls who what to show others that they are beautiful so they dress up and put make-up just for a show but the truth that they are a strait A students but if they show that to others they may think that this girls are geeks
why do we care what others think? or why do we put make-up just to show others that we are beautiful?
the truth is their is no answer to this it just the nature for us the humans
hey girls just put this in your mind whether you are fat or too thin or you are smart or not, make-up wont solve every think just show others the real you because there is a guy out there who will love you just the way you are even if it's with out make-up and to do that you have to feel good about your self at first


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